Thursday, November 15, 2012

Live on Purpose

What do you daydream about? What do you think about most of the time? What are you reading right now? What are you listening to? The answers to these questions matter because they affect the direction of your life. The truth is: if you see yourself staying the same, you will. If you see yourself succeeding, you will.

John F. Kennedy imagined putting a man on the moon. Bill Gates imagined every home having a computer connected to the internet. The common thread is they all imagined something before it happened. Mary, the mother of Jesus was willing to be "pregnant with the future".  Likewise we must become pregnant with the destiny God has prepared for us from before the foundation of the world.

Too many people live their lives in the past hindering the birth of a better future. There are some words for this; worry, self pity, negative thinking, fear based thoughts … this conception guarantees the birth of the same. Imaginations positive or negative are kept alive by constantly thinking about them.
 Creation is always happening. Every time we have a thought,
or a prolonged chronic way of thinking, we are in the creation process.

Your life right now is a reflection of your dominant thoughts. That includes all the great things, and all the things you consider not so great. So its easy to see what your dominant thoughts have been by looking at the condition of your life.

You are living the life you imagined if it is not what you want, start imagining a better life. This is not meant to upset you but to give you understanding of how to stop the cycle. We can’t let our circumstances define us, or defeat us. We have to change the tape, hit the delete button. If you want to know where you are going to be 5 years from now. Take an inventory of your thoughts and listen to what you are saying  now.

The Good News is that we are all a masterpiece created by God Himself. In His Image and likeness and we are fully loaded to accomplish all that we are destined to achieve!

When you wake up in the morning instead of letting your first thoughts be: I am so tired, I wish I didn’t’ have to work, cant wait for this day to be over. Before you turn on the news, check the whether, stock report, or open your email, Set the tone for your day by rehearsing what you have to be grateful for instead of rehearsing your perceived negatives. As soon as you open your eyes say thank you when you close your eyes at night say thank you

Big dreamers keep their dreams alive by constantly thinking about them. Big dreams don’t just pass through their minds every once in a while seeming so big and unrealistic they just let it go. NO – they conceive those big dreams in their image center, become pregnant with possibility and then give birth to what they have imagined. 

You have the ability to make your dreams and desires become a reality. Your life could look completely different even 1 month from now, or you could stay right where your are the choice is ours. We have already proven to ourselves that if we can conceive it in our minds we give birth to it in our lives.

Let’s start conceiving some great big things and live on purpose!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Quantum Realm And Healing

The Quantum Realm And Healing

Albert Einstein said everything is energy. Remember his formula E=MC squared? He believed that energy and matter were interchangeable.

Everything is vibrating energy, including our bodies. Every word and every thought carries a certain vibrational frequency. A Japanese scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, proved this when he did an experiment with water. He found out that water is affected by words. He took water droplets and exposed them to various words. He froze them for three hours and then examined the crystal formations under a microscope. The results were totally astounding. When positive words were spoken over the water, it formed beautiful patterns. Negative words produced ugly patterns. Since our bodies are approximately 72% water, we know that our bodies are greatly affected by negative speech. He did another experiment with rice where he spoke "I love you" to a jar of rice for 30 days. To another jar of rice, he spoke the words "You fool." After 30 days, the rice in the "I love you" jar was white and the rice in the "You fool" jar was black and rotten. (Facts taken from Dr. Emoto's book "The Hidden Messages in Water".)

It amazes me how science is validating the Bible!

Proverbs 12:18 The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death...

Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Love Has the Highest Frequency of All

It can be scientifically documented that everything has either positive or negative frequencies. Foods even have frequencies. Fresh food has a higher frequency than processed foods. On the other hand, coffee has a negative frequency. Prayer actually raises a person's frequency by 15 MHz. If our frequency gets low, we get sick. A healthy body has a frequency between 62-68 MHz. If a person's frequency dips to 58 MHz., cold symptoms develop. Flu symptoms appear at 57 MHz. Cancer may enter the body when the frequency falls below 42 MHz. The process of dying begins at 25 MHz. and goes to zero at death. (Facts taken from Dr. David Stewart's book "Healing Oils of the Bible".)

God provided a way to raise our frequencies by using essential oils. These oils were used Biblically for medicinal purposes. The oils were not used symbolically as we have come to believe, but these oils had healing properties.

For example, hyssop is a releaser of swallowed emotions and a spiritual cleanser.

Psalm 51:7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

Prayer and essential oils together are a powerful combination, as both raise our frequencies.

James 5:14-15 Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the Church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up...

In the Bible (Leviticus 14), they were told to anoint those with infectious skin diseases with oil on their right ear, their right thumb, and right big toe. All of these are reflex points where trauma is stored and are connected to the brain! When we store repressed emotions, it can make us sick. Our bodies are made up of 100 trillion cells. So, emotions get locked in our cellular memory. Physical healing can occur when we clear repressed emotions. For example, if emotions are stored in your stomach, you have stomach ailments. If they are stored in the joints, you can have arthritis.

Proverbs 14:30 A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.

3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

Change will occur when we get healing for our souls and walk in mature love and put childish ways behind us. We must speak words of life and not death. Love has the highest frequency of all.

1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

It's time for quantum change!

Facts were taken from Dr. David Stewart's book "Healing Oils of the Bible" and Dr. Emoto's book "The Hidden Messages in Water."

Friday, March 2, 2012

You have a God-given destiny to fulfill

Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself, “What if?” What if you finished your degree? What if you started that business? What if you were out of debt? When you ask the “What if” question, you are allowing yourself to dream.

I want to talk about 5 years from now. What do you see? What are you doing to prepare and plan for what you see? Most of us are so busy doing things we have to do that we never get around to doing what we really want to do. Many people never take the time to think about what God wants them to do…over the next 5 years. Many people abandon their dreams for one reason or another.

I don’t want that to be the case for you. Why? Because I believe the dreams in your heart are God-given and are a part of His calling for your life. A lot can change in 5 years Ecclesiastes 5:3 says, “A dream comes about with much business and painful effort.”

Psalm 62:5 says, “My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.” This is telling us that the dream he is expecting is from God. What has God told you? What’s the dream that He has given you? Whatever it is, then don’t let go of it. If God is the one who birthed it in you then He wants it to be fulfilled.

When you “know that you know” that He is the One who caused this expectation to be birthed in you, then in your mind, there is no turning back! No matter what anybody else thinks, says or does; you hold fast to what you believe.

You might be thinking “But how can I know if the dream I’m expecting is from God?”

 Here are 7 Keys:

1.  If it captures your imagination and inspires and motivates you every day of your life, then it is most likely a dream from God.

2.  If it seems impossible and you are unable to fulfill it on your won, then it is most likely a dream from God.

3.  If it seems as though it will never come to pass but deep down on the inside you’re unwilling to give up on it, then it is most likely a dream for God.

4.  If not everyone is as enthusiastic about it as you are, then it is most likely a dream from God.

5.  If you have experienced resistance, setbacks, difficulty and sometimes even frustration over it, then it is most likely a dream from God.

6.  If it seems to consume your thinking and even seems to get bigger and bigger on the inside of you, then it is most likely a dream from God.

7.  If it seems to define and shape your life, then it is most likely a dream from God.

So where do I begin? Well, what’s your routine? You are a creature of habit. Every day you do many things the exact same way without even thinking about it. After doing these habits for years you continue to make these choices without even thinking about it.

It’s not until you stop and think about what you want to do with the rest of your life that things will start to change. You must make decisions that will lead to and support the goals you want to achieve.

How do you know if your choices are leading you to your dreams? Look at the results! A lot can happen in 5 years or nothing can change in 5 years!

Imagine it’s 5 years from now. Ask yourself what if? Allow yourself to dream. If you are going to achieve your dreams, you will need a coach, a mentor, a minister to consistently speak truth to you. Don’t let just anyone have a voice in your life.

Proverbs 13:20 tells us, “He who walks with wise men will be wise but a companion of fools will be destroyed.” It is important to spend time with people you want to become like. You may not personally know people who are the success you want to become, but you can spend time with them through their books, videos, and audio teaching.

No matter what your dream is: to get out of debt, to see your marriage restored, to be healed physically or emotionally, to have a baby, to publish a book, to run for office, to open your business, etc. – it will require intense focus. Are you willing to pay the price when it becomes hard work?

Never quit the fight! Pursuing your dream will require a fight. Determine that your going to finish strong. The truth is life is an assignment. You are here by assignment. You have been assigned a mission!

See beyond today. My mission is to provide the tools and the teaching to show people how to live the answer. To teach them how to overcome their circumstances and live a blessed life.

My mission keeps me focused. Seeing beyond today helps me set goals and know where I’m going. My mission empowers me to dream and ask, “what if” questions.

“If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” – B.J. Marshall

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

I am making it a habit to write down all the possibilities and dreams I see while spending quiet time with the Lord. There is great power released when you write the vision. (Habakkuk 2:2)

Another powerful step you must take is to sow beyond today. This is a profound principle: You may not have what you need but you’re never without the seed that will produce it!

Seed represents your future.  Galatians 6:7 tells us that a man’s harvest in life depends entirely upon the seeds that he sows. When a farmer sows seed, he knows exactly what he’s sowing the seed to produce. There’s a picture on the package – that’s his vision.

The next 5 years can be the most exciting, rewarding, productive years of your life or just another 5 years. You have a God-given dream, a mission, an assignment, a destiny to fulfill. Take the necessary steps and begin to move in the right direction.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Be Extraordinary

The Lord told me he wanted me to live and extraordinary life. Not knowing what that meant I looked up extraordinary it means not ordinary, out of the norm, unusual, going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary.  He told me to stop saying, "I can't imagine this or that…"  and to start imagining living an extraordinary life. So now I am practicing with my imagination to expect the extraordinary and beyond what is normal, things to happen to me daily!  After all we serve an extraordinary God who made us in His image so it only makes sense that we should receive extraordinary favor, blessings and provision from Him and be extraordinary ourselves!! Will you join me?  

Monday, January 2, 2012

Words can alter matter!

Excerpt from, “The Answer For Life”

Dr. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese author and entrepreneur known for his

claim that if human speech or thoughts are directed at water droplets

before they are frozen, images of the resulting water crystals will be

“beautiful” or “ugly” depending upon whether the words or thoughts

were positive or negative. Emoto claims this can be achieved through

prayer, music or by attaching written words to a container of water. Since

1999 Emoto has published several volumes of a work titled Messages

from Water, which contains photographs of water crystals next to essays

and “words of intent.” If you go to you can view many of

Dr. Emoto’s experiments.

I did one of Dr. Emoto’s experiments myself. I placed the same amounts

of cooked white rice in jars and sealed them. On one jar I placed a label

that said life. On the other jar I placed a label that said death. I kept the

jars on the island in my kitchen. Several times a day for thirty days I

would pick the jars up and speak to the rice. To the jar I labeled life I

would say, “I speak life to you, I love you, you’re beautiful, you will live

long and prosper.” To the jar I labeled death I would say, “I hate you,

die, I curse you, you’re ugly, rot, grow mold, you’re worthless.” I took

pictures of the jars and recorded the process. By day eleven the jar labeled

death began to turn brown and develop black mold spots. The jar I labeled

life was still white and fluffy. By day fourteen the jar labeled death was

getting darker brown and growing mold fur all over. The jar labeled life

was still white and fluffy. At the end of thirty days the jar labeled death

was completely brown and moldy. The jar labeled life was just beginning

to look a little tan in color.

This experiment only reinforced my belief in the Scriptures regarding the

authority of the believer and the power of our thoughts and words. To the

friends and family that visited my house and saw the changes in the jars,

it made believers out of them! I highly suggest using these experiments

to teach your children.